America’s Last Nerve


How I survived Covid-19

Not by flying back to the US, per the urging of the US Embassy in Bangkok.

Not by following a myriad of strange “Covid-19 cures”, such as:

Priests in the Philippines spritzing holy water and alcohol on people. Buddhist monks in Myanmar advising people to eat limes with three palm seeds. A church in South Korea passing around a bottle of salt water to spray into the mouths of the entire congregation. 40 members got infected.

And let’s not forget the time President Trump suggested people inject themselves with disinfectant to kill the Covid-19 virus.

Personally, I like needles, I like disinfectant. I just like them to stay separated, like ice cream and white bread. In my humble opinion, they should be enjoyed separately, contrary to the local Thai dessert “eye-deem-khanom-bong” —a literal interpretation of an ice cream sandwich. This involves ice cream between two slices of bread—such as a kaiser bun, or a hotdog bun—as long as it’s white bread.

The first layer is a generous scoop of sticky rice, which has been stewed in a sugary-coconut-milk-bath. This acts as a barrier between the bread and the ice cream. Think of it as Scotchgard, when you want to waterproof your bread. Next come two or three scoops of ice cream. Then drizzle a cascading symphony of sweetened condensed milk, crushed peanuts and chocolate sprinkles on top. Welcome to your diabetic coma.

Photo credit:

On this note, I never warmed to pain au chocolate either. Chocolate on bread? Not so much. I take my chocolate like I take my coffee: unadulterated, strong, and black.

As an acupuncturist, I inject needles, and I use disinfectant. Separately. First, apply rubbing alcohol to disinfect the skin. Afterwards, inject needles. In terms of Covid-19 cures, I never thought I’d need it for myself.

Then I had to go to immigration to extend my visa. This was mid-February, when wearing face masks was optional, and the term social distancing meant avoiding people you didn’t want to speak to. This was before borders around the world closed, and before repatriation flights. Around this time, Thais were boasting about having “only 33 cases.” There I was, elbow-to-elbow with hundreds of other foreigners—many not wearing face masks—encased in a small room for six hours. That was the first visit.

I had to return again in two days for another soul-crushing day to witness immigration moving as fast as an ant through molasses. I lost count of how many times I sighed; as if sighing frequently and loudly would propel the employees to work faster. Process our visas faster. It didn’t work. (((SIGH))).

Just as they called my name to fetch my passport with a freshly pasted visa inside, I passed in front of a man who sneezed on me, and no, he was not wearing a face mask! I, on the other hand, was wearing a face mask, but it did not protect me.

Crowded at immigration.

As if on cue, that night, I came down with a sore throat. I prayed it was just due to spending all day in a room blasted with icy air conditioning. No such luck. The next morning, flu symptoms: sore throat, body ache, headache, and chills. I tried to buy more face masks. Stores were sold out. I tried to buy hand sanitizer and alcohol—sold out. I tried to buy a thermometer. The cheapest one was $60. I went back to my room and took more vitamin C.

Then I lay down and gave myself acupuncture. I would give myself three treatments a day: One to treat the symptoms, one to treat overall immune strength, and one specifically to reduce fever.

I inserted needles in my belly, then flipped over and inserted needles in my back (good thing I’m flexible and ambidextrous). After three days, I woke up on the fourth morning feeling quantifiably better. Healthy.
In terms of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the diagnosis was straight forward. In terms of treatment, I used the “root and branch” theory, of addressing the root—my constitution, my body’s root strength, while simultaneously addressing the branch—the symptoms.

TCM Treatment Principles

Tonify Lungs, Tonify Qi & Blood, Fortify Wei Qi: Rebalance the body to achieve homeostasis, strengthen body’s constitution, strengthen Stomach-qi, fortify the immune system, and reduce pain.

Move Qi & Blood: Clean the blood, clear out waste material, clean the lungs, expel pathogens, improve blood circulation to bring nourishment to every part of the body, and improve oxygenation of red blood cells.

Clear Heat: Bleed specific points to lower fever

Expel Wind-Cold: Use points that warm internal body temperature

Transform phlegm: Use points to clear phlegm from the body, especially from the lungs.

Points: LU7, LU9, ST36, ST40, SP6, R4, R12, LI4, SJ5B12, DU13, B23, B64, K3.

Bleed: LU11, LI1, SJ1, SI1.

Without going into too much clinical detail, it is amazing that putting a needle in specific points can engender remarkable turn-arounds in a body’s recovery and health. The breadth and depth of the medicine are stunning, working elegantly, and bringing immediate results. It might seem incongruous to include both “Expel Wind Cold” and “Clear Heat” in the same treatment principle, but not so in TCM. The beauty of the medicine is the ability to hold seemingly opposed truths at the same time.

Plus, it is a direct response to what the symptoms are manifesting: both cold (chills), and heat (fever, sore throat). When we see treatments that address opposing energies, we usually refer to it as performing a “regulatory function”, which is exactly what TCM achieves. It regulates body substances, body temperature, and body energies, in order to achieve homeostasis—a state of balance and harmony in the body. A balanced body will not easily succumb to illness or disease, and if so, has the reserve strength to fight it off quickly. This is the whole point of TCM.

I never went to the hospital, so my case was never confirmed. But I do believe I contracted Covid-19. Luckily, armed with a strong immune system and needles—and the fact that I was able to treat myself immediately—my symptoms remained mild and were snuffed out in less than a week. However, I continued to wear a face mask at all times and washed my hands OCD-style.

* * *
While a few weeks ago, I might have concluded my story here, about how “I survived Covid-19” by giving myself acupuncture (and yes, maybe tooting my own horn a bit), it seems very small and petty in light of the protests that originated in the US. The protests that started with outrage, violence, and looting. The protests of the murder of a black man—George Floyd—in broad day light. The protests which have morphed from a moment to a movement; storming to a resounding wave from city-to-state to countries around the world. This murder touched a nerve.

George Floyd protests

“George Floyd protest” by vpickering is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

When I read that Japanese billionaire Tadasi Yanai said the image of America is breaking, I agreed. I wasn’t offended. There is no more “fronting” allowed. What these protests show is that we can’t pretend ourselves through this; the people won’t allow anymore phoniness in terms of addressing the racism against Black Americans in America.

I read the headline and nodded. Yes, I said in my mind, yes. The old structures are breaking. The collective consciousness is giving birth to a new consciousness; the narrow heart is literally breaking open to an expansive heart. Any mother will tell you that giving birth involves pain and blood. But these are not the focus. The focus is the outcome; the outcome of the birthing process, the outcome of these protests.

Free to protest

I began this story by saying that I survived Covid-19 by not flying back to the US. When the US Embassy in Bangkok urged me to return in March 2020, the US looked like a cyclone of chaos. Comparatively, Thailand had under 100 active Covid-19 cases at that time, and now three months later, appears to have maintained the outbreak very well.

However, I have never been more proud to be an American. These protests are what America is about—our First Amendment right to free speech. Because of this, Americans are allowed to speak out about centuries of systemic racism without editing emotions, without apologies, and without fear of going to jail for speaking their minds.

This murder that touched a nerve, that led to unadulterated emotions and unapologetic speaking out—is now leading the way to opening up conversations internationally. Because America’s ego is breaking, the international community has found an open door to “break through” to a new consciousness also. In America we say, “Real recognize real.”

“Protest in King George Square Brisbane-01=” by Sheba_Also 17,000,000 + views is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

I spent afternoons absorbing the horrifying images, reading and watching live updates. Crying, feeling helpless and inadequate. I was so moved; I wanted to volunteer. I signed up online to volunteer in both California and New York—even though I’m still in Thailand, where the borders are closed. Both websites said I should stay my ass home because I’m over fifty.

So, I’m staying my ass home, eating green curry chicken and flicking my eyes over old Thai homework. I stayed home to flatten the curve. I cured my own Covid-19 symptoms. I stayed safe. But sometimes, the most important issue is not safety, but transformation. And when transformation is the imperative, it does not and will not wait until everyone is safe. Just like babies. Babies come when they do. They don’t wait for ideal circumstances.

“New York Protest” by KarlaAnnCoté is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

This murder touched a nerve. Thank God. It’s finally time. We can never go back to the way things were. It feels like this time, there is enough collective momentum to push through a new consciousness. Maybe some of us will finally have the courage to have open conversations about race relations. Maybe some of us will stop pretending to not hurt. Maybe some of us will come out of hiding. And one of us—over fifty—will gather all the compassion in her heart and send it out to the word in infinite vibrations of love. Love. Love.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

The point is not to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The point is to notice the shining light now that the shell has broken. This is our great opportunity, to shepherd this light of new consciousness into the world.
* * *
Sources: In a Philippine lockdown, priests bring church to the community. Covid-19 spares Myanmar: a blessing or denial? South Korea church used saltwater spray amid coronavirus outbreak. Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and ‘clean’ the lungs. Japan’s Top Billionaire Tadashi Yanai says the image of America is breaking.

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