Pink Buddha is the umbrella for stories that stem from volunteering, traveling, meditating, and teaching. Think of this website as your dose of arm-chair travel with generous lashings of irreverence and laughing at inappropriate moments. Pink Buddha is not only for people who like the color pink or for people who like the Buddha. This website will appeal to those who love travel writing, creative writing, and dogs. This website will appeal to those who long to break through perceived boundaries and discover new countries and communities. If this resonates with you, welcome!

Story Categories: Writing & Travel

Art Gallery

Sketches scribbled on the back of an envelope, drawing on a night train or on a white sandy beach, mundane scenes glorified in paint and watercolor.

Featured story

Dog is God Spelled Backwards, Finale

The routine. We woke up to rain this morning. Rain necessitates a specific series of events: Wrap the bandages on Pablo’s hind legs in cling film. Struggle to fit snow booties onto all four of Pablo’s giant paws. Step outside and play crossing-guard to stop cars at the crosswalk.

Featured Story

How to Ensure Getting Checked by Customs

I had been instructed to mark “Tourist” on my customs form, and to say that everything in my suitcase was for “personal use.” “Don’t worry,” I was told, “we’ve never had problems getting our supplies through customs.”

“Bracelets and Hunger” published in Best Travelers’ Tales.

“What it Takes to be Real” published in Zafigo travel website.

“Eating Envy” published in The Fringe Poetry Magazine.